Shot Callers: Celebrity Basketball Game Features Tonio The Great

Shot Callers: Celebrity Basketball Game Features Tonio The Great

Sankofa Athletics recently hosted a community event in Atlanta, GA. The festivities featured Tonio The Great and other celebrities located around the ATL area to play head to head in basketball. The players completed two, full-court games in which team Tonio led team Sankofa to an early win in the first round.

Lively spectators cheered as the game quickly became competitive. Even considering the high energy brought by both teams, the group did not fail in supporting the philanthropic purpose of the event. All participants gathered to raise awareness of breast cancer, while also promoting an active lifestyle. 

Next time you decide to play a pick up game at your local rec, Tonio encourages you to spark a conversation about breast cancer with your peers - every conversation counts. While you're at it, take a few minutes to listen to the latest music release from Tonio The Great, Face My Tears.

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